Rolf® Movement Education

Rolf® Movement Education

Sarah P McClennen Rolf® Movement EducationRolf® Movement Education is a system of movement education based on and complimentary to Rolfing® Structural Integration. Rolf® Movement Education focuses on:

  • Developing balance and support for action in the gravitational field
  • Learning to move harmoniously with gravity
  • Evoking an open and responsive body in which inner strength and centeredness can be chosen instead of outer tension and armoring.


The results are increased grace, ease, and efficiency of movement; a more powerful sense of self; and often the relief from physical stress caused by gravity-resistant movement patterns.


In a series of Rolf® Movement Education sessions, the client and teacher come together to understand the client's present movement patterns. They explore the possibilities for freer, more balanced movement in breathing, walking, standing, sitting, and whatever special or daily activities a person is involved in, such as sports and fitness activities, and office and computer work. They attend to each part of the body, releasing specific holding patterns, and then integrating that part, through Rolf® Movement Education, with the rest of the body. Over time, the client learns the gentle, simple series of centering movements that can be taken into everyday life to ease pain and stress and to enhance all activities from the workplace to the playing field.


The number of Rolf® Movement Education sessions and their scheduling are flexible according to individual needs. Rolf® Movement Education is taught as a sequence of sessions devoted to specific structural and movement themes. In a classic movement education series, the first session is devoted to exploring breathing patterns and using the breath to promote ease and release holdings in the ribs, lungs, and respiratory system. Subsequent sessions address movement patterns in the foot, ankle, knee and hip joints, the arms, head, and neck. These sessions are normally repeated to access deep holding patterns and achieve higher levels of order just as structural Rolfing® sessions return to the extremities and upper and lower girdles (shoulders and pelvis) in the latter sessions to more fully integrate structure and function.


Rolf® Movement Education can be undertaken by itself or in conjunction with Rolfing® sessions. Rolfing® Structural Integration and Rolf® Movement Education enhance each other when combined. While Rolfing® Structural Integration frees and integrates the body's structure so the client has more movement options, Rolf® Movement Education teaches the client how to use these possibilities in everyday life.

What is Rolfing Structural Integration
Benefits of Rolfing Structural Integration
History of Rolfing